Shear Genius Wiki
Danna Sachs
Danna Sachs

Danna (pronounced Donna) Sachs immigrated to the United States alone in 1994. Danna Sachs landed with two suitcases and borrowed money to pay her way here. Danna Sachs truly believes that with determination and hard work one can achieve anything. After suffering injures following a bad car accident in 2003 causing multiple back surgeries, Danna Sachs is finally fully recovered. Danna Sachs is going through a bit of a rebirth after recently purchasing her first home, beginning her "Shear Genius" adventure and she says she's just getting started.

Her mother, who was an amazing hairdresser in her time, inspires Danna Sachs daily. Danna Sachs considers herself spiritual. Danna Sachs is very traditional in her Jewish heritage, but doesn't consider herself religious; however, the values morals and tradition of the Jewish religion define how she lives her life.

Danna Sachs jumped at the chance to go to the "Shear Genius" open calls for the opportunity to challenge her creativity in a way that day-to-day salon hairdressing does not allow for. Danna Sachs is single, but hopes to one day marry and start a family of her own. Danna Sachs' hobbies and interests include spinning, dance, snow and water skiing and the L.A. Lakers.
